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Active menopause

My fitness goal 2024: Strength, cross-training and adventures

When I was younger I would launch myself into new activities and try new sports […]

CBD-rich cannabis flowers: Understanding the potential for cannabidiol’s healing properties

In recent years, the cannabis industry has experienced a revolutionary shift in public perception, largely […]

Testosterone for menopause update

I have been taking testogel as part of my HRT treatment during menopause for just […]

Bioidentical hormone use in the UK – are we following in the USA’s footsteps?

The American bioidentical hormone market has recently been valued at a sizeable $33.8 billion (2022). […]

New book: Toes in the Water

A new book, Toes in the Water, offers 14 inspiring stories of lives changed by wild swimming. As […]

Taking testosterone in menopause – wow, the sleep!

I have been taking testosterone as a treament more menopause symptoms for 2.5 weeks. I […]

Taking testosterone in menopause – what’s it like?

Testosterone for women in menopause is an interesting topic and one that I have been […]

Webinar video: Cycling Through the Menopause

This evening I chaired a vey informative and interesting webinar for Scottish Cycling entitled: Cycling […]

Join on-line talk: Cycling through the menopause

Find out more about peri-menopause and menopause from sporty women. I have been invited to […]

Everything I wish I had been told about menopause

This is a the typical story of many women who suddenly become aware of a […]

Menopause, mental health & sport

Most people, both women and men, associate the menopause with a few classic symptoms, such […]

Adventure racing: Scottish Mountain Marathon

I took part in the first Scottish Mountain marathon in 2019. This article appeared in […]